WhipSmart Furry Tales Pink Bunny Tail


Furry Tales Pink Bunny Tail

Comes in a discreet packing with no identifying markings


WhipSmart Furry Tales Pink Bunny Tail – Hop into satisfying backdoor play while exploring wild fantasies with this convenient set.

Made of sleek metal, it features a fluffy, pink bunny tail attachment for a playful look.

This 6.3 cm plug is perfect for beginners and comes with reusable talon claws for added sensory pleasure, as well as an easy-to-use douche.

– Weight: 77 grams
– Length: 6.3 cm
– Width: 2.5 cm
– Height: 2.5 cm

WhipSmart Furry Tales Pink Bunny Tail, WhipSmart made by WhipSmart.

This product is of Pink Colour.

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Feel free to order, this product comes in a discreet packing with no identifying markings.


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